Montecristo little cigars with a typical Cuban taste
Of course, the worldwide popular and best-known Habanos brand Montecristo also produces its own cigarillos. In machine manufacturing, only the finest tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region are used for the short fillers, which is located in southwestern Cuba and is considered the flagship for the best tobacco ever. Montecristo little cigars have a typical Cuban taste and are accordingly aromatic, spicy and earthy. The Cuban cigarillos are available in Mini, Club and Purito formats.
The Montecristo little cigars are ideal for a break with a burn time of between 5 and 10 minutes, in which spicy and gentle aromas develop. The Montecristo little cigars are among the smallest cigarillos that Cuba has to offer. Despite their small size, they are Cuban cigarillos with an intense aroma and strong tobacco and especially suitable for advanced aficioandos.
With a burning time of 5 to 10 minutes, the Montecristo little cigars are intended for a short break in between. With its key data of 8 cm in length and almost 8 mm in diameter, it is the smallest cigarillos that Cuba has to offer, but Montecristo Mini should not be underestimated. It gives a spicy but also gentle aroma and is one of the medium to strong cigarillos. The Mini tobacco is relatively strong and not intended for beginners. Despite its small size, it is a very strong cigarillo and is often described as racy. The contrast between the small and gentle-looking Mini by Montecristo and the surprising strength of its tobacco makes the cigarillo interesting and can be found in many humidors. Available as a 20-pack or 50 pieces in a wooden box.
Montecristo little cigars of Puritos version. With a length of 11 cm, the Montecristo Puritos is one of the big cigarillos and provides 20 minutes of pure smoking pleasure. The Montecristo little cigars of Puritos version are large, powerful cigarillos. The strong cigarillos live from their intense aromas with spicy and sweet notes. The Puritos ensure 20 minutes of smoking pleasure.
If you are looking for something strong and fast, Puritos from Montecristo is the right choice.