New Filtered Cigars

Little Cigars

Danish Nobel Petit little cigars are aimed more at light tastes

When you think of tobacco products, you immediately think of large traders in South America, Mexico or Spain. There are also a few in Germany, but the northernmost regions of Europe are less known for their good hand in handling tobacco plants – and yet the name of Nobel Petit little cigars stands for quality in the cigarillos segment like no other. The products have long belonged to the absolute upper class of tasty cigarettes. This quality is based on a long tradition and a great deal of experience in handling the exquisite tobacco substances, which is also representative of the Danish tradition.

The small country in Northern Europe came into contact with tobacco through its extensive shipping trips. At that time it was already known as a first-class commodity and so the tradition grew in Denmark of bringing the fine leaves into circulation and finally also producing tobacco products themselves. The Nobel Petit little cigars are only a logical continuation of the old trading tradition. The imported fabrics are processed in our own factories and the finished cigarillos have the charm that is typical of Danish tobacco. Often non-smokers also enjoy the aroma of Nobel Petit little cigars.

A distinctive feature of tobacco of Danish origin is this pleasant, pleasant smell, which is in no way negative and does not smell unpleasant.

Balanced variety – unique taste
There are a total of seven different versions of the Nobel Petit little cigars, each of which has its own character. The various deposits, which come from all popular growing areas in South America, are particularly striking. These include the Caribbean, Honduras, Indonesia and Brazil. These regions have always been known for the fine tobacco that aficionados appreciate around the world. The growing conditions there are optimal and so the mineral-rich soil gives rise to the best tobacco plants, the quality of which can also be tasted in every one of Nobel Petit little cigars.

However, the origin of the insert is not the only distinguishing feature of the individual formats. So the cover or cover sheet are precisely tailored to this mixture and are always noticeable in the overall context. Basically, the Danish Nobel Petit little cigars are aimed more at light tastes.