New Filtered Cigars

Little Cigars

Little Cigars: Flavorful Rebels

Little cigars, you know, those tiny sticks of tobacco that you see at the corner store? Well, I gotta admit, I’ve got a soft spot for ’em. They may be small in size, but let me tell you, they pack a punch of flavor that’s hard to resist. So, I thought I’d share my thoughts on these little gems in a language that we all understand – no fancy words, just the good ol’ spoken language.

Size Matters, But in a Good Way

First things first, little cigars are, well, little. I mean, the clue’s in the name, right? They’re smaller than your regular cigar, but that’s not a bad thing. These tiny bad boys come in all sorts of sizes, but they’re usually slimmer and shorter than your granddaddy’s cigar. They fit snug in your hand, and you can puff on ’em without feeling like you’re trying to smoke a tree branch. Plus, they’re a lot more discreet, which is perfect for those quick smoke breaks.

Flavor Explosion

Now, let’s talk about the real deal – the flavor. Little cigars are like a flavor explosion in your mouth. They come in a bunch of different flavors, from classic tobacco to sweet and fruity, and everything in between. You can find ’em in cherry, vanilla, chocolate – you name it. It’s like having a dessert without the guilt. And for folks who don’t really dig the strong kick of a regular cigar, these little guys are a milder, smoother option. They’re perfect for beginners and seasoned smokers alike.


Don’t you hate it when you walk into a cigar shop, and the prices make your wallet cry? Little cigars are budget-friendly, which is a massive plus. You can get a whole bunch of ’em without breaking the bank. So, even if you’re on a tight budget, you can still enjoy a good smoke without feeling like you’re giving up your firstborn.

Easy to Find

One of the best things about little cigars is that you can find ’em pretty much anywhere. Gas stations, convenience stores, online shops – they’re all over the place. You don’t have to go on a wild goose chase just to get your hands on these babies. I like the convenience of knowing that whenever I need a little smoke break, I can grab some little cigars without any hassle.

Different Styles, Same Great Taste

Little cigars come in all sorts of styles and brands, just like regular cigars. You can choose from filtered or unfiltered, depending on your preference. Filters are nice if you want a cleaner smoke, but some folks like to go unfiltered for that raw, authentic experience. Either way, they all bring the flavor and aroma that we love.

Rolling Up the Good Times

If you’re a fan of rolling your own smokes, little cigars have you covered too. You can get the loose tobacco and rolling papers and make your own little cigar. It’s like a DIY project, but with a smoky twist. Plus, it can be a bit cheaper than buying pre-made little cigars, which is a win-win in my book.

Sharing Is Caring

You know what’s awesome about little cigars? They’re perfect for sharing. When you’re chilling with your buddies or having a backyard BBQ, you can pass ’em around, and everyone can enjoy the good times together. It’s a simple pleasure that brings people closer, and who doesn’t love that?

Let’s Talk About the Cons

Alright, we’ve been singing praises for little cigars, but it’s time to get real and talk about the not-so-great stuff.

Health Risks

First and foremost, smoking any kind of cigar comes with health risks. Little cigars are no exception. The smoke still contains harmful chemicals and carcinogens that can mess up your health. So, don’t think you’re getting off scot-free just because they’re small. You still gotta be responsible and know the risks you’re taking.


Cigars, even the little ones, can be addictive. The nicotine in tobacco is a sneaky devil that hooks you in. If you’re not careful, you might find yourself reaching for these little guys more often than you’d like. It’s always a good idea to keep your smoking in check and be aware of the habit forming.

A Bit of a Stink

Let’s face it – cigars stink. That’s the truth. The aroma of cigars, even little ones, can stick to your clothes, your hair, your furniture, pretty much anything it touches. So, if you’re a fan of smelling like a cigar, great. But if not, you might need to invest in some air fresheners.

Smoke Break Etiquette

You know how it is – you’re enjoying your little cigar, and someone walks by giving you the stink eye. Cigar smoke can be bothersome to non-smokers, so it’s important to be mindful of your surroundings and follow the smoking etiquette. Keep a distance from non-smokers, and find a designated smoking area when you’re in public places.

The Verdict

So, here’s the deal – little cigars are a pretty cool option if you’re into smoking. They’re small, affordable, and come in a variety of flavors. They’re easy to find, and you can enjoy them in different styles. But, like everything in life, there are some downsides to consider. Health risks and addiction are real concerns, and the smell can be a bit of a bother. All in all, it’s a matter of personal preference. If you like cigars but want something more manageable and budget-friendly, little cigars might just be your new go-to.

Remember to smoke responsibly, keep the stink at bay, and always be considerate of others. And most importantly, enjoy the good times that little cigars can bring. So, grab your favorite flavor, light up, and savor the moments – it’s all about the simple pleasures in life.