New Filtered Cigars

Little Cigars

Nobody stands the aroma of Culebras little cigars

Even if the quality of the smoke is in the foreground, the look of the cigar is no less important. Aficionados, who are looking for something unusual beyond Churchill, Corona and Torpedo, will make the right choice with the twisted Culebras little cigars. These Culebras little cigars are three individual cigars. The name says it all, because Culebra means snake in Spanish.

Who first came up with the idea for this unusual form of presentation of the culebras can no longer be clearly determined today. There are two theories about the origin of Culebras little cigars – one historical and one based on taste. The actual genesis is probably a combination of both. The historical theory assumes that cigar rollers received an additional wage of three cigars per day in the middle of the 19th century. When the manufactory owners discovered that the workers were reselling these cigars, they were devoured together to make resale difficult. The theory of taste says that the three Culebras cigars twisted into one another develop their aroma better.
The taste of the tobacco mixture should be even more intense by twisting it.

Real aficionados should definitely dare to experiment – in our online shop you can easily buy the Culebras little cigars. In addition to the affordable Culebra Villiger Original-Krumme cigars, which are also available in two smaller and cheaper editions as Villiger Original-Krumme Tubo or Junior, with strong Virginia tobacco; the Brun del Ré Gold Culebra Grande with their variety of aromas melt the heart of a true lover.

Anyone holding a cigar of this shape for the first time will probably wonder how to properly smoke Culebras little cigars. Do you smoke all three at once or do you take them apart? The answer is to take them apart and smoke them individually. Due to the unusual shape of
Culebras little cigars, in rare cases a small crack or hole can appear, which means that the cigar does not burn properly. But this can be remedied with a very simple first aid trick: blow it lightly
into the mouthpiece of Culebras little cigars, see where the leak is, and then moisten this Culebra a little or press a small piece of wet paper on. Nothing stands in the way of the unclouded enjoyment of the Culebra cigar.