New Filtered Cigars

Little Cigars

Prime Time little cigars are associated with cherry juice

Prime Time little cigars are a huge gift to a consumer with a lower income, which allows an order of magnitude lower, and nonetheless – to touch the art of smoking (where art should be understood as the process of enjoyment). Give the opportunity to smoke for pleasure every day 10.20 times. And with this function, they do an excellent job. There are affordable products made from tobacco and in tobacco, albeit from the waste of cigar production. However, these wastes also perfectly serve as a “transitional stage” from pointless stressful smoking to light synthetics and waste paper, to meaningful, slow, refined, tasty, aromatic and pleasant smoking of cigar-pipe products.

Prime Time little cigars burn slowly, giving the smoker the opportunity to fully try out the methods of slow smoking, of which there are many and thereby enjoy the smoke, smoking in pleasure, not hastily for the sake of a dose of nicotine. With calm smoking, 1 cigar can be smoked for as long as 20 minutes. Spotted. The slowness of burning for a cigar is a huge plus, talking about the purity and freedom of tobacco from chemical impurities.

They fade literally almost immediately, when the thrust stops. This is simply a colossal advantage and an argument for a quality cigar. This indicates that the product does not contain additives that accelerate combustion, and therefore has a pure taste. You can put a lit cigar “shell” halfway down the path and after an hour smoke it a little more, and then do the same again without any loss of material. Impressive for such a low price. (There are other cigars that will burn from the very top to the very filter like a wick from a firecracker, which proves its synthetic properties and hints at the addition of a large dose of cellulose to the wrapper).

Flavored species have non-intrusive, very light aromas. Taste and smell receptors generate in the brain associations with cherry juice (which, by the way, is very pleasant to drink for this business), a cup of coffee, vanilla sugar. The tobacco is completely devoid of these aromas, only tobacco dust foil is endowed with them. In turn, the original taste, very rich and bright, has a bitterness characteristic of pure tobacco bags, which indicates the absence of “saucing”. (The captain gives off noticeably synthetic odors that have a persistent character, which is unusual for natural syrups).