Principes Chicos little cigars are perfect for smokers who like the mellow kind of tobacco
Principes Chicos little cigars are medium-sized machine-moved stogies produced using 100% tobacco in the Dominican Republic.
Are perfect for smokers who like the mellow kind of tobacco.
Principes Chicos little cigars Cherry
Principes Chicos little cigars Cherry are machine-produced using 100% common tobacco. The Indonesian packaging and the filling of chosen Dominican tobaccos make their taste fragile and special. Every stogie is bundled in a hermetically sealed foil wrapper, which permits it not to lose its unique taste qualities. Cherry Principes Chicos little cigars have a normal quality and have a mellow flavor with a cherry fragrance.
In a cardboard box 5 cigarillos with a cherry flavor are accessible.
Cherry Principes Chicos Chocolate
Cherry Principes Chicos are created at La Aurora, the most seasoned Dominican industrial facility, with over 100 years of hand-made stogie history. These cigarillos are made by machine from 100% tobacco. A spread sheet from Indonesia and a fine filling of chosen Dominican tobaccos make their taste fragile and exceptional. Every stogie is stuffed in a fixed foil wrapper, which permits the cigarillos not to lose their unique taste qualities.
There are extras for Principes Chicos little cigars.
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Lighter Lotus L-220
The Lotus brand moves the lighter from the “fundamentals” thing to a sort of business card that underlines the status of its proprietor. Such trendy lighters will be wonderful as a first class blessing, yet additionally as an important buy, without which each smoker will feel uncertain.