New Filtered Cigars

Little Cigars

Smokers Choice little cigars from Denmark, which are a blend of Virginia and Burley tobaccos

The Smokers Choice little cigars from Denmark are already pre-shaped so that they can be screwed into conical bags.
In Denmark and especially in Christiania, the filters of Smokers Choice little cigars are almost exclusively rotated.
“Creativity is our very core” – say the manufacturers of Smokers Choice little cigars and they are absolutely right. That is why the clever heads brought the conical filters to the market a few years ago and have been copied several times since then. The original is Made in Denmark.

The Smokers Choice little cigars are a new, groundbreaking tobacco that will appeal to the smokers and younger smokers in particular. The taste is mild, round and aromatic. With this tobacco, the Smokers Choice little cigars have managed to become a smoking that does not bite the tongue, what makes them unique. The Smokers Choice little cigars brand is made from specially selected tobacco: a blend of Virginia tobacco from North Carolina, mixed with a mild, air-dried Burley from Tennessee.
The Virginia tobacco is grown on the Boyette Farm, where the Boyette family has been producing excellent Virginia tobacco since 1797. The packaging made of exclusive corrugated cardboard is not only environmentally friendly, but also preserves the good taste of tobacco.

The thin mixture is made in accordance with the traditions of the best craftsmen. Sweet and mild flavor with a delicate aroma of vanilla and caramel.
Tobacco leaves are aged under special conditions, but not only this makes the taste of this mixture interesting and so memorable. Over 140 years of company tradition, craftsmanship and experience of specialists working on the creation of this tobacco – this is what makes the taste of Smokers Choice little cigars truly unique. Thin slices are great for twisting, and the tobacco itself will delight you with a mild tobacco flavor with natural caramel sweetness and a wonderful aroma with notes of vanilla. A great choice for those who like quality tobacco with a mild and pleasant taste.