New Filtered Cigars

Little Cigars

Sparrow little cigars are a consistent quality

Sparrow little cigars are a trendy tobacco mix that is really easy to consume. A balanced blend of excellent Cavendish tobacco to create a medium-bodied smoke that everyone can enjoy. Experience the taste of Soft Mix Sparrow little cigars in small cigars, without extreme flavors, retaining the natural tobacco flavor without adding flavors from other origins.

Another range of tobacco mixes featuring a sensational menthol blend that invites the senses on an exhilarating journey to refresh the senses with the perfect image. Leaving no scent behind to convey the senses, this full-bodied blend delivers immense pleasure every time you light it and inhale it. Great cigarette line. With the tobacco blend of Sparrow little cigars, you can easily pop the stick into your mouth, experience an even, slow burn every time, and unlike other menthol blends, it doesn’t leave behind an overpowering note. These cigars differ significantly in dimensions from cigars. The average length is 8 to 10 centimeters, and the diameter is 5 to 8 millimeters, which is noticeably smaller. Each cigar contains approximately 3 grams of tobacco. Another difference from cigars is that cigars are often machine-made, ensuring consistently high quality.

Small cigars are also not inhaled, but the smoke is simply absorbed in the mouth, where the aroma spreads and is slowly exhaled again. Because, like a cigar, the secret to its scent is its silence. Just because your pleasure experience is short-lived, it is not intense and mellow. Cigarillos can be smoked for about 10 minutes, making them perfect for a leisurely afternoon break.

For better enjoyment, we recommend ordering these cigars from our online shop. We offer numerous discounts and a wide selection of great little cigars of this brand. Saturation and strength are two facets of cigar intensity. Keep this in mind; beware of the “sangria effect”. By analogy with the well-known refreshing drink, it happens that a moderate at first glance and extremely tasty cigar has a powerful nicotine effect on the body, which does not even allow you to get up on your feet. If you are not sure what kind of character and temperament a particular cigar has, feel free to contact our staff, a professional guide to the non-trivial cigar world.