New Filtered Cigars

Little Cigars

The stages of Vegafina little cigars

The aroma and taste of unlit Vegafina little cigars. The aroma is of medium strength, sharp, sweetish, with a barely noticeable bitterness. Shades: vanilla, dried mint, walnut, fresh biscuit, rotten, leather gloves, old velvet curtains, crushed rosin, damp earth

The taste of Vegafina little cigars is not strong, bitter, sourish, green. Shades: ground ginger, turmeric, white rusk, dried barberry, dried apples, dry deciduous wood, tree bark, milky sap of white milk mushrooms, house dust

The aroma and taste of lit Vegafina little cigars: The aroma is of medium strength, sharp, sweetish. Shades: red pepper, anise, cloves, bay leaf, aromatic herbs, pear broth, apple jam, hot toast, cedar veneer, leather, dry horse dung, barbecue, smoldering charcoal, dry earth. Taste of medium strength, sharp, bitter. Shades: black pepper, cloves, menthol, mature red wine, dry deciduous wood, fresh meadow hay, burning paper, charcoal, dry earth, metal The aftertaste is long-lasting, spicy, garno-spicy

Smoking evolution of Vegafina little cigars: The first stage: The first puffs are dull, woody, calm. Then hot peppery shades come to the taste, a garnished dominant is formed, tannins intensify and become rough, so that the “mouth” becomes excessively dry, and the cigar seems noticeably stronger than it is. By the middle of a third, the taste, which was previously short, stretches; the aftertaste has hints of mature red wine for some time. At the same time, it still seems to be insufficiently embossed, flatish. The scent is more pleasant and complex; in it, in addition to the prevailing garnish and spicy, there are animal and sweetish fruity notes. The second stage: The taste is noticeably softened: tannins not only do not seem rough, but become silky. The “mouth” is only now completing the structure, becoming embossed, acquiring completeness. The aroma is made more compact due to the closer interweaving of shades, forms a spicy-garnish dominant; its sweetish fruitiness successfully complements the severity of the taste. The third stage: At the beginning of the third, the taste becomes even more rounded, becoming denser, even, even solid. Moderately spicy notes begin to prevail in it, for some time even displacing the garnish from the dominant.